La Edad Crítica de la Mujer


July 1996

R Sobel:. MOODS: A menopause polemic. Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) :) 125-127

G Berg: The name game. Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) :129-130


UH Winkler: Hormone replacement therapy and hemostasis: Principles of a complex interaction. Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996): 131-145

UH Winkler : Effects of androgens on haemostasis .Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) : 147-155

R Mezzopane, E Ricci, L Chatenoud, A Cisternino, A Chiantera, F Parazzini: Attitudes and clinical practice of Italian gynecologists towards prophylactic oophorectomy during hysterectomy for benign conditions. Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) :157-159

JR Hilditch, J Lewis, A Peter, B Vanmaris, A Ross, E Franssen, GH Guyatt, PG Norton, E Dunn. A menopause-specific quality of life questionnaire: Development and psychometric properties. Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) :161-175

R Hilditch, J Lewis, AH Ross, A Peter, B Vanmaris, E Franssen, J Charles, P Norton, EV Dunn .A comparison of the effects of oral conjugated equine estrogen and transdermal estradiol-17 beta combined with an oral progestin on quality of life in postmenopausal women .Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) :177-184

H Benaryeh, I Gottlieb, S Ishshalom, A David, H Szargel, D Laufer . Oral complaints related to menopause . Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) :185-189

F Parazzini, A Tavani, E Ricci, C Lavecchia . Menstrual and reproductive factors and hip fractures in post menopausal women . Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996) : 191-196

C Falconer, G Ekmanordeberg, U Ulmsten, G Westergrenthorsson, K Barchan, A Malmstrom. Changes in paraurethral connective tissue at menopause are counteracted by estrogen. Maturitas 24: 3 (JUL 1996): 197-204

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