Identification of nitrogenous bases in Injections
Dilute a volume of Injection equivalent to about 50 mg of test material, with 0.01 N hydrochloric acid to 25 mL. Tranfer the liquid to a separator, if necessary filtering it and washing the filter and the residue with several small portions of water. In a second separator dissolve 50 mg of the corresponding Reference Standard in 25 mL of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid.  

Treat each solution as follows: Add 2 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxyde and 4 mL of carbon disulfide, and shake for 2 minutes. Centrifuge if necessary to clarify the lower phase, and filter it through a dry filter, collecting the fíltrate in a small flask provided with a glass stopper. 
Determine the absorption spectra of the filtered solutions of the standar and sample without delay, in 1 mm cells between 7 mm and 15 mm with a suitable infrared spectrofometer using carbon disulfide in a matched cell as the blank. The spectrum of the solution prepared from the sample shows all the significant absorption bands present in the spectrum of the solution prepared from the Reference Standard.