Blockade of neuronal voltage dependent Na+ Channels IC50 = 134 mM
Blocking effects faster
t = 1,8 sec
Recovery slower (*)
IC50 = 95 mM
Blocking effects slower
t = 2.2 sec
Faster recovery
Blockade of voltage-dependent Ca++ IC 50 = 310 mM IC 50 = 110 mM
Nicotinic receptor blockade IC50  =  9.11 mM (**) IC50 = 0.32 mM
a3b4 neuronal nicotinic receptors expressed in oocytes  IC 50 = 1.4 mM
Faster and complete recovery  (**)
IC 50 = 3.0 mM
Slower and partial recovery

(*) could explain longer duration of anesthesia seen in some animal experiments and clinical trials
(**) In the case of systemic accidental injection the hypotension derived from ganglionic blockade should be much less with IQB-9302 than with bupivacaine.